The key to successful business is high quality, proactive people who can think critically and come up with their own ideas. So, Fosfa University was founded at Fosfa to develop employees. A tool that helps us achieve strategic goals. Within the company, the desired status should be quantified as follows: 0% workers, 100% partners. On a global scale, we want to become a world class company – World Class Company (WCC). Therefore, we set up a university that does business. At the same time, Fosfa has developed into a learning enterprise.
Fosfa University links theory to practice, and thus greatly contributes to optimizing and improving processes across the enterprise. It helps develop teams and set goals within a company strategy, including the strategic ZIPHFES model. Inspiration for the University are successful entrepreneurs such as Tomáš Baťa, Jack Welch, Jeffrey Liker and Masaaki Imai. Patronage of Fosfa University was taken over by Professor Milan Zelený, a managerial systems expert at Fordham University in New York and currently one of the most important and most respected economists of Czech descent.
Among the main advantages of our training are the unification of company language, the development and creation of corporate culture, the establishment of a strategic model of ZIPHFES and thus the vision and goals of the whole enterprise. Since the foundation of Fosfa University, over 80 problems and instances of waste have been successfully solved through the four-phase method. More than 30 projects have been commenced and concluded. The number of internal lecturers – co-workers involved in teaching – has increased. Studies at Fosfa University have already been successfully completed by more than 130 Fosfa employees. Part of Fosfa University is also a Training Center that helps new collaborators to quickly adapt to the company and contributes to the understanding of processes. The training center also makes use of existing staff for ongoing training. We are proud of these achievements, and we believe that Fosfa University will continue to contribute to the development and training of our collaborators across the entire company.
Fosfa University = the DNA of Fosfa
The main advantages of our training include the unification of corporate language, the development and creation of corporate culture. We build on the ZILHFES strategic model of Professor Milan Zelený, that develops four key dimensions in the company’s life, namely Customer, Innovation, Product and Finance. Since 2009, when it was founded, the Fosfa University has successfully solved over 80 issues and instances of waste. More than 30 projects have been commenced and concluded. The number of internal lecturers – co-workers involved in teaching – has increased. And it’s all thanks to the single-four-phase method ZIPHFES.
Studies at Fosfa University have already been successfully completed by more than 130 Fosfa employees. Part of Fosfa University is also a Training Center that helps new collaborators to quickly adapt to the company and to understand the processes. We are proud of these achievements, and we believe that Fosfa University will continue to contribute to the development and training of our teams across the entire company.

Our instructors

The basic pillar of the current education system of Fosfa University are specific training modules based on the matrix of required skills defined for each job position. According to his/her job, each employee is assigned the required educational program. The primary objective of this system is to maximize the interconnection of acquired knowledge with the work activities of our employees.
The individual training programs are divided into hard and soft skills. The content of each training module is not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical examples, demonstrations or direct personal training.
All educational modules are further linked to the Fosfa University Training Center. It plays an important role both during the new employees’ adaptation program and in developing practical skills for existing employees. In May 2016, we just opened a new Maintenance Training center.
Fosfa University Educational System

Personalities that inspire us

Patron of the University – Professor Milan Zelený
Patronage of Fosfa University was taken over by Professor Milan Zelený, a managerial systems expert at Fordham University in New York and currently one of the most important and most respected economists of Czech descent, author of hundreds of articles and dozens of books.
Professor Milan Zelený is a consultant to numerous corporations, institutions and governments abroad (USA, Japan, Belgium, New Zealand, Poland, the Soviet Union, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Ireland, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, South Africa, Portugal, etc.). Through scientific work, he focuses on optimization and optimal systems with applications in manufacturing processes.
Professor Zelený has been rewarded for his scientific work with a number of world honors and awards. Since 1992, he has also regularly appeared in prestigious reviews of Who’s Who in Science and Engineering and Who’s Who in America. In 2007 he was honored by the international Festschrift Scientific Community “Knowledge and Wisdom”; an extraordinary tribute to the Czech economist and scientists in exile.
You can find the profile of Professor Milan Zelený at