
Occupational safety and fire protection

Consistent compliance with all statutory security principles and precautionary measures is one of our top priorities. To ensure the maximum safety of the company, its employees and our nearest surroundings, we have set up our own volunteer fire brigade, which is able to intervene immediately and effectively in any disturbance, accident or injury on account of being equipped with advanced technical equipment and a series of professional training sessions.

Prevention of major accidents (PMA)

Our production activity requires the presence of a selected range of chemicals and mixtures that can cause industrial accidents and are a source of risk. For this reason, we pay due attention to the sources of risk. We have adopted the principles as set out in Directive 2012/18 / EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (SEVESO III) as our own philosophy.

Industrial activities identified as hazardous (sources of risk) are subject to registration and are subject to specific requirements and measures. Our goal in the area of PMA is:

  • ensure that potentially dangerous activities are carefully maintained and operated with the requisite responsibility and expertise
  • to protect our employees and residents in the vicinity of process units from the consequences of industrial accidents
  • to protect the environment and property in the vicinity of process units from the consequences of industrial accidents.

The main principle of PMA in Fosfa a.s. is not to threaten the lives and health of people, livestock, the environment and property due to the presence of a dangerous substance – white phosphorus (yellow), the effects of fire and combustion products.

An update of the safety report was approved in June 2017 by the Regional Authority of the South Moravian Region, the Environmental Department.

Integrated inspection of PMA

Fosfa is one of the few companies in the Czech Republic that goes through inspection by inspectors without a single defect. This large inspection, which takes place in Fosfa at the end of winter, is focused on PMA. Inspectors from the Czech Environmental Inspectorate, the Fire Rescue Service, the Labor Inspectorate, the Regional Office – Environmental Department, the Regional Hygiene Station and also the Police of the Czech Republic control compliance with Act No. 224/2015 Coll., and other legal requirements.

At Fosfa, we place great emphasis on prevention. We regularly improve and validate the PMA system based on the training and education of our employees. In order to verify the emergency plans, we regularly perform the topical exercises under the participation of the IRS. We are ready to handle all emergencies without endangering the environment.

Occupational Health and Safety (OSH)

In the chemical production environment, the issue of complete safety and health protection at work plays a very important role. We place emphasis on preventive measures, risk minimization, prevention of occupational illnesses and accidents at work and strengthening the legal liability of all persons in relation to OSH. To meet this obligation, we have embraced a comprehensive OSH management approach. We are fully aware that the issue of OSH is a sensitive area that can not be ignored and therefore we have decided to introduce an occupational safety management system according to ČSN OHSAS 18001.

Fire protection

Due to the nature of our production program and to ensure overall safety, we have set up our own voluntary fire brigade. The unit’s main task is to quickly and effectively protect the lives and health of the company’s employees, the environment and prevent property damage to the company.

Another task for preventive reasons is the assistance of our unit in all dangerous activities from the point of view of fire protection or the environment, which are carried out within the production program within the premises of the company.

Our unit works with the production when training for the occurrence of possible accidents on the technological equipment and on the liquidation of the consequences of such accidents. Everything is verified with topical exercises and alarm drills.

The members of our unit also perform intensive and irreplaceable services for the company’s production program, such as during floods, when they provided the alternative transport of technological water necessary for the production process using the fire technology.

Our unit plays an irreplaceable role in the prevention of major accidents caused by hazardous chemicals, in the protection of the environment, in the rescue of persons and property of the company, and is an important part of all the prepared measures that are a safety guarantee for both the company’s employees and the civilian population in the surrounding area.