Fosfa is an innovative Life Science company established in 1884. The group is the largest processor of yellow phosphorus in Europe. Fosfa is one of the top global players in the field of essential, phosphorus-based ingredients and functional blends for food, pharma and sophisticated industrial applications. Fosfa also develops and manufactures FeelEco, exceptional natural products for health, family and home care.
Fosfa a.s. management has decided, in the interest of improving the level of quality, safety of food products and consumer products, health and safety standards in the workplace as well as the environmental protection, to issue the following declaration in accordance with the strategic goals and objectives.
We commit to:
- provide all customers with products of agreed quality and with long-term mutually beneficial business partnership,
- meet the agreed requirements of our customers and other stakeholders,
- increase efficiency of processes in the organization, maintain and enhance the competence of our employees,
- develop cooperation with public (state) authorities (administrations), experts and other stakeholders in order to be in full compliance with applicable technical and legal standards and regulations,
- effectively manage processes and by means of continuous control activities to improve the quality of our own processes, products and established quality management system.
We commit to:
- comply with all relevant laws and other regulations in the environmental area that relate to the company, or the company is committed to them,
- operate our facilities and technology in accordance with environmental protection and replacing non-compliant equipment with new ones,
- systematically educate and train our employees, consistently lead them to protect the environment and teach them to prevent environmental pollution and emergency situations,
- protect natural resources by recycling waste and by efficiently using raw materials and energy, maximizing the use of non-waste technology, and to set environmental goals and fulfil them,
- continuously improve our environmental management system to improve environmental performance and carry out preventive actions to protect the environment.
We commit to:
- comply with all relevant laws and other regulations in the area of food safety and the safety of consumer goods that relate to the company, or the company is committed to them,
- meet relevant food safety requirements, including mutually agreed customer food safety requirements,
- ensure the rights of consumers and place only safe products on the market,
- develop, support and continuously improve food safety culture in the organization, systematically educate and train our employees in food safety and consumer product safety, and consistently lead them to follow the hygienic rules,
- develop cooperation and communication with the public authorities, experts, suppliers and contractors, customers and other stakeholders to ensure the safety of our products,
- responsibility for the safety of food and consumer goods to our customers,
- take necessary measures to prevent food fraud/adulteration and to ensure food defence,
- take the necessary measures to prevent food loss and waste,
- to continuously improve our established food safety management system and implement preventive measures to ensure the safety of the food we produce.
We commit to:
- fulfil the requirements of legal and other regulations in the field of occupational health and safety at work, which apply to the company, or to which the company has committed itself.
- create a safe and non-threatening to health working environment for all employees and other persons at our workplaces and consistently pay attention to the prevention and prevention of accidents, possible accidents and work-related injuries, the consequences of which could have a negative impact on life or health protection.
- consistently look for dangers and assess risks, with the application of appropriate measures to eliminate and reduce them, while collective protection measures are always prioritized over individual measures,
- promote occupational health and safety requirements also with our contractors and suppliers, favouring partners who apply the same principles,
- listen to employees and to involve the employees to the process of improving safety in the workplace through the employees’ representatives for occupational health and safety,
- improve the employee education system to increase their expertise, motivation and responsibility to ensure occupational health and safety at work,
- ensure adequate resources for occupational health and safety management system and continual improvement, maintain the conditions for the application of health and safety policy, objectives and review their suitability and adequacy.
Management of Fosfa a.s. in the course of its business activities, devotes considerable attention to the prevention of major industrial accidents in connection with the handling, transport and processing of dangerous substances within the company.
We commit to:
- comply with the requirements of the Act No. 224/2015 Sb., on prevention of major accidents and other relevant legal and other regulations, and the management of the company considers fulfilment of all requirements as a priority for the company,
- fully integrate the prevention of major accidents into an already certified management system, according to the requirements of ISO standards, to ensure processes and procedures according to the highest safety standards,
- continuously monitor the sources of threats and analyse the risk of accidents, including the implementation of measures, with the aim of preventing extraordinary events and their consequences,
- provide the competent authorities information on hazardous substances, technologies used, processes and measures in place,
- inform the potentially endangered public in an appropriate manner about established safety measures and procedures in the event of an accident,
- observe safety requirements within all phases of the life cycle of equipment and technologies, from design, construction, operation to decommissioning, including continuous checks of compliance with these requirements at all levels of management,
- periodically check and review the targets and principles of the prevention of major accidents, defined in the Safety Report.
In the context of energy policy and all associated requirements for sustainable production, the management of Fosfa a.s. committed itself to continuous improvement in energy efficiency and energy management system.
Implementation of energy policy is realized by introducing energy management system according to ISO 50001 with the following key points.
We commit to:
- ensure the suitability of the energy policy for the purposes of the organisation,
- provide a framework for setting and reviewing energy goals and targets,
- ensure the availability of information and all the resources necessary for achieving the objectives and energy targets,
- comply with relevant legal and other requirements in relation to its energy efficiency, energy use and energy consumption,
- support the purchase of energy-efficient products and services, that affect energy efficiency,
- support the design of activities that consider improving energy efficiency,
- provide effective aid, information, finances etc. for training the employees to achieve a successful fulfilment of Energy policy,
- continuously improve in energy efficiency and EnMS,
- regularly review energy efficiency and energy savings,
- regularly test the effectiveness of the energy management system through internal audits,
- fulfil all applicable requirements related to the energy aspects, requirements of legislation and requirements accepted by the organization.
We are aware that a consistent high quality can only be achieved if we work as a team and if we follow all rules of the integrated management system (IMS). We declare that will ensure a high level of quality and safety of our products and also ensure the safety and health of our employees at work and protect the environment.
Following standards are implemented in Fosfa a.s as a part of the integrated management system: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001, FSSC 22000, SEDEX, Ecovadis, Halal standard and Kosher standard.
Ing. Ivan Baťka
Chairman of the Board of Directors